What Is Delta-8?
For those that are looking for a way to enjoy a high from THC, Delta-8 may be a great option. This is a compound that is found in cannabis and it offers a calming and relaxing high. While only found in trace amounts in most strains, it offers some great benefits users who do not want the standard psychoactive effects of using cannabis will find that this can provide a similar high that is more tolerable.
An interview with Dori Wile provides some more information on the effects of Delta-8 and why many cannabis users are turning their attention to this compound. Wile is the founder of Half Baked Housewives, a site dedicated to discussing marijuana use and the beneficial effects. She is a supporter of medical marijuana use and is also an expert on Delta-8.
So, what is Delta 8? It is a natural cannabinoid that is derived from hemp. It can offer psychotropic effects along with some other unique features. It is known to offer relief from pain and inflammation and is also more calming than standard THC. Those looking for a mild high with some great medical benefits will want to take a look at what the experts like Dori Wile has to say.
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How Does Delta-8 and Delta-9 Differ?
When it comes to Delta-8 vs Delta 9, the differences are quite subtle. Both of these are THC isomers, but they have different chemical bond. The result is a difference in the level of potency when used. Delta 9 will bond with CB1 receptors and will cause a strong effect. It is also found in high quantities in cannabis plants.
With Delta-8, effects are milder since they are found in lesser quantities in the plant. They bind to CB2 receptors that are found in organs and body extremities, including the immune system. This is why this cannabinoid can be more beneficial medically, as it can affect more body systems. It is also 50-75% less potent and is described as a more tolerable THC version that can produce sedative physical effects without mental stimulation.
Based on a study by the National Cancer Institute, Delta-8 provides a lower psychotropic potency than Delta 9 while offering positive effects such as appetite stimulation, analgesia, and neuroprotective properties. Delta 9 is the main cannabinoid found in cannabis and is widely available. Its counterpart, 8, is found in concentrations of less than 1% in hemp, which is why companies are trying to find ways to make concentrates.
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Where is Delta-8 Allowed
Due to current laws, Delta-8 is allowed in all states and is not considered an illegal substance. The 2018 Farm Bill clarifies the legal status of all non-psychoactive cannabis plants. It states that hemp products are completely legal as long as they contain less than 0.3% of THC. The bill specifically states 0.3% of Delta-9 THC. It does not mention any amount of Delta-8 since it is classified as a minor cannabinoid.
Since there is a lack in clarifying whether this compound is legal, most assumed it was, and since it was not mentioned specifically in the bill, strains and synthetic versions could be grown and produced. However, an addendum to the bill was recently published by the DEA. This clarifies the legality of Delta 8. It redefines THC, stating that any synthetic production of THC in any form is illegal, whether it is Delta-8 or 9.
As of now, the compound is legal in most US states. There are only 11 states that have banned it, including :
- Rhode Island
- Utah
- Mississippi
- Montana
- Iowa
- Idaho
- Delaware
- Arkansas
- Colorado
- Arizona
- Alaska
The legality of Delta-8 THC is not related to cannabis legality. In some states, recreational cannabis is legal, but this compound is not, such as in Arizona and Colorado. The laws will vary per state. For example, in Oregon, Delta 8 that is made from hemp sources is legal as long as it contains less than 0.3% THC.
Dori claims that “Delta 8 should not be viewed as a legal loophole, but rather as an amazing and legal part of the plant.” For this to be the same as CBD, people will have to accept that the federal laws state that any hemp product that contains less than 0.3% THC is legal. Users who reside in a state where there is no legal cannabis will be able to enjoy Delta 8 since it is legal.
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Effects of Delta-8
For daily cannabis users, the effects of Delta-8 are quite surprising. Dori Wile states, “I was skeptical about delta 8 at first. I smoke cannabis every day, so I didn’t think Delta-8 would do anything for me.” She then says she was wrong! After trying Delta-8, Dori experienced positive effects. She says the compound makes her “feel amazing and it help me with pain.” It is a great alternative to standard cannabis, especially for those that do not like some of the side effects like munchies or paranoia.
Most will be wondering, does Delta-8 get you high? The answer is yes. When using this compound, you will experience the same high as you would from Delta-9, though the high will be milder. Users have experienced a softer high that allows you to stay focused. Many users have also commented that they experience less anxiety and paranoia.
The high from this cannabis compound will stimulate the appetite and provide euphoric feelings, but they will not be as intense as they are when using THC. This greatly reduces unwanted side effects that are common with Delta-9 use, such as anxiety, cottonmouth, red eyes, and paranoia.
The National Cancer Institute also states that this compound can be effective in treating nausea in cancer patients and can also help to prevent anxiety and panic attacks. A study published in 2018 in the Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research showed that Delta-8 can reduce inflammation and pain in mice. The research also found that applying it to the skin can cause a reduction in pain.
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How to Use Delta-8
Just like other cannabis products, this can be used in different ways. The method of consumption will be based on personal preference. The most common forms of use include tinctures, vaping, and Delta 8 gummies. Each of these will vary in regards to the speed of onset, intensity, and duration.
CBD tinctures are most popular among those that use CBD oil, and with many products now available in tincture form, this is one of the easiest ways to consume this substance. It is taken by placing drops under the tongue and effects are often felt in 15 to 20 minutes. They can last as long as 6 hours.
Gummies and Delta 8 edibles are also a top choice for users as they are easy to consume and have accurate doses. Most gummies will contain 10-25 milligrams and can take up to 1 hour for effects to occur. While it may take longer for effects, they will last longer, generally between 4 to 8 hours. Gummies are more popular among women who do not enjoy smoking or vaping. Dori states, “I am not a sugar person and I wanted to come up with a product that could help women my age that did not require smoking or sugar.” She knows a chemist in California that created Delta-8 tablets for ingestion under the Half Baked Housewives brand.
Vaping is another common way to consume and there are cartridges of various strains available. To vape, you will need a pen or box mod. The effects when vaping are felt immediately and are often more intense than the other methods. Rapid onset is perfect for those that are seeking quick relief and effects will last up to 3 hours.
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