Find out how to trim a cannabis plant to get a result that pleases you. Trimming is the process of getting rid of the branches, stems, and leaves from the buds. Why is this more important than you might think? These parts of cannabis are useless because they are uncomfortable to smoke and do not contain many trichomes.
Wet vs. Dry Trimming Cannabis
There are two main ways to trim cannabis: wet trimming and dry trimming.
So, when to start trimming weed plant?
In the first case, you primarily cut, and only then dry the weed on a horizontal surface. In the second, pruning is after the cannabis has dried. As for dry trimming, the drying process occurs by hanging the plant.
Each of these methods has pros and cons.
Benefits of wet trimming:
- Leaves are easier to cut when they are wet;
- It takes less time;
- Buds dry faster as moisture is retained primarily in the leaves
- Quick-drying reduces the likelihood of mold;
- You need less space as all excess parts of the plant are removed before drying;
- Buds can become more attractive because wet pruning inflates them a little. This is especially essential for growers who cultivate cannabis for sale;
- Some growers say this method allows for saving more trichomes, and it has an impact on the quality of terpenes.
However, trimming buds before drying also has quite a few drawbacks. Here are some of them:
- A decrease in the quality of the product due to the risk of over-drying the plant because of removing sugar and fan leaves;
- A less pleasant taste in the output. This is due to the short drying period, more chlorophyll remains in the plant;
- Wet pruning should be done immediately after harvest – for some, it’s stressful because there’s too much work to do all at once;
- Plants leave a lot of dirt behind as they are still sticky. You need to cut with gloves and clean the scissors regularly. Normal spiritus is usually good for cleaning.
For whom is wet cutting suitable for?
- For beginners – because it is an easier process that does not require special experience and skills;
- For those who live in humid climates because wet trimming reduces the risk of mold;
- For growers with little room to trim and dry;
- For those who grow for sale or who care about appearance.
For everyone else, dry trimming is preferable. Experts say that it is more effective. It allows you to get a more pleasant taste and better potency of cannabis. Moreover, dry trimming provides softer and more delightful smoke. This occurs due to the loss of chlorophyll and the maintenance of moisture balance during the drying process.
Dry pruning is more enjoyable because the buds do not leave dirt, as during wet pruning. In addition, you don’t have to rush, and therefore don’t worry about doing everything as quickly as possible.
However, this method has its significant drawbacks:
- Dry plants are much more difficult to prune. It is extremely hard to separate dry fan and sugar leaves from the bud;
- Dry trimming takes much longer;
- Dry pruning increases the risk of mold. If the climate is humid, dry pruning is not possible;
- This method requires a lot of space to allow the plants to dry before trimming.
By the way, many growers don’t prune sugar leaves at all – as long as they are healthy and have enough trichomes. It is worth saying that this trimming format still gives the smoke rigidity.
Many growers are wondering how long to dry cannabis before trimming. The drying process with leaves and stems is usually 3-4 days longer than with cut buds. On average, it is 4-8 days, plus or minus 2-3 days. If the stems are dry, do not bend, but break, it is time to start trimming weed plants.
How to Trim Marijuana Buds?
Let’s take a look at the tools first. You will need:
- Nail scissors
- Pruning shears
- A marijuana trimming machine
Also, stock up on a tray or other flat surface where you will put the cut buds. It is worth considering where you put the waste. Don’t forget gloves, suitable clothing, and alcohol to clean tools.
When you prepare everything, you can start.
Both in wet and dry pruning, the process is identical.
Here are the trimming main steps:
- Rendering – pruning with pruner branches that come from the main trunk. We start from the base and move on to smaller stems.
- Then we cut off the fan leaves – the very ones that are a schematic symbol of cannabis. They are of no practical use because there are no trichomes on their surface.
- Bucking – cutting buds from branches.
- Trimming of the buds. If the buds are too big, it is better to divide them into smaller ones.
How to cut buds?
- Cut off the stem at the bottom of the bud – make sure that the bud does not crumble;
- During cutting, remove small leaves at the bottom of the bud – the so-called “crow’s feet;”
- By tilting the scissors, carefully process the bud, removing excess vegetation from it.
The process is over. Place the cut buds on a tray or other flat container.
Some additional useful tips for trimming:
- Try to use only top-class tools – the quality of cutting directly depends on this;
- Do not throw away sugar leaves, put them separately – they are a carrier of resinous trichomes;
- Try to make the buds smooth. Excess vegetation that does not contain trichomes does not improve the quality of the weed.
Trimming, as you can see, is a difficult and rather responsible process. But if you are careful enough and follow simple tips, the work will pay off, and you will be able to enjoy high-quality weed with a pleasant taste and aroma.