CBD Gummies
287 products
Category: CBD Edibles
Subcategory: CBD Gummies
Brand: Re Botanicals
CBD: 15 mg per gummy
CBG: 15 mg per gummy
THC: 0%
Flavour: Apple
Quantity: 30 gummies
Many factors affect how we focus on our assignments every day. It could be stress, emotions, anxiety, or a boss that hangs over you in a way that makes it uncomfortable to work. A short break for goodies will allow you to take a little break from a hard day, and soon the effects of CBD begin to appear. You become more focused on current tasks. Your body stops being so tense and the anxiety reduces. RE Botanicals' CBD product contains vitamin B12 and green tea extract to leave you feeling a little fresh and light-headed.
Collection of 500 mg Edible Gummies – AskGrowers Experts’ Choice
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User Comments 20
Being a sleepy head at work is so off-brand. Using the rest in the evenings strictly
They allow me to focus, my friends. This combo of CDB, THC, and CBG is my new favorite.
Have you seen the level of Thc in these babies? No wonder am buzzing all day!
I have ADHD so they help me stay focused on one task long enough. Its like a brain lull that doesn’t affect your productivity so I am here for all of it.
Liking the price the most because all these components make the gummies top performers.
Why does the packaging look like a medicine box?
Good stuff but you may have to wait a week for shipping
I wondered why they taste so good till I read the cane sugar in the ingredients list. loving this product for two reasons: I sleep so so much better these days and it calms my brain. The only downside to using a product with this much THC during the day is the drowsiness that you must expect.
If you remember to dose it correctly for daytime use, you will have a good experience. Tend t make me sleepy when I eat a whole gummy during the day so am halving it and eating a whole one at night. helps me chill, focus, sleep way better,,, so many good things in one package.
amazing for focus and stress management
I find that the gummies make me feel energized and alert, but not too jittery like other supplements sometimes do
I wish the bottle contained more gummies since I go through them quickly, especially since they are such a helpful supplement. I also think it would be nice if there was an option to buy multiple bottles at once as this would save time and money in the long run.
the gummies are very reasonably priced compared to other similar products on the market
The flavor of these gummies is very mild and enjoyable, and the size is small enough to make them easy to swallow. The 30mg dose of CBD in each gummy is also just right - not too strong and not too weak
I absolutely love the re botanicals hemp cbd focus gummies! They help me to stay focused and productive throughout the day without having to resort to caffeine or other energy boosters
My only complaint about this product is that it does not come with instructions on how much to take, but thankfully the website does provide guidelines!
I highly recommend Re Botanicals Hemp cbd focus gummies to anyone looking for a great way to get more energy and focus throughout their day. These gummies have been a great addition to my daily routine and I am so glad I found them!
not only does this product give me extra energy and focus when I need it most, but it's also incredibly affordable as well.
absolutely no side effects from taking these gummies, making it an even better value
As someone who suffers from occasional anxiety, I've found that taking one of these gummies has provided me with some relief from my symptoms without any serious side effects.