CBD Balm
51 products
Category: CBD Topicals
Subcategory: CBD Bath Bombs & Salts
Brand: CbdMD
CBD: 100mg
THC: 0%
Flavour: Lavender
Quantity: 113g
If you're having trouble sleeping, CBD Bath Salt Sleep PM will be your go-to. Taking a hot bath with a Broad Spectrum CBD product will allow you to get all the benefits of cannabis. This method is for you if you don't like smoking or inhaling CBD, which can be harmful to your health. CbdMD uses a unique formula for the product allows you to experience a healthy long sleep. This bath salt contains melatonin as well as the special calming herbal combination, that includes botanical extracts of chamomile, lemon balm, and valerian root.
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User Comments 10
A soak in the tub at the end of the day with the CBD bath salts has me so relaxed. I fall asleep within an hour after I finish my bath.
My skin has been glowing since I started using these bath salts. I am thinking of getting a CBD skin care regimen too.
Always heard that Lavendar is relaxing but nobody talks of the lavendar CBD combo. It will have you stress free within minutes and that is a promise.
Recently got my mum a tub and she's been complaining about joint pains. I ordered this and I can bet the CBD will help once she takes a soak or two.
Noted that a little goes a long way. You may get a couple of uses from this 113g tub, and I am all about saving those coins with such economical purchases.
Hoping its made of purely natural products. My skin's quite delicate and I wouldn't want the kind of hives I got from the last bath salts I used.
My nana thinks this is the bombest CBD bath salts she has ever tried, her words. I guess she loved her birthday present then.
For a minute there i thought the price was a discount offer. This is what people call a total steal and i really took advantage buying like five of them.
I have nothing against lavendar but i sure would have loved some other options. CBD products should come in more than one flavor.
Anything from CBDmd can take all my monies. They have such perfect natural products, can't even find a single fault with them.