Grower Stories #168: Melody Corpening

Tia Moskalenko
Tia Moskalenko

Tia Moskalenko, author of the AskGrowers blog, brings a unique blend of content to her readers. She is known for conducting insightful interviews with key figures in the cannabis industry, including brand representatives, manufacturers, and experts. In addition to her interview skills, Tia has a keen focus on CBD. She expertly curates product selections and reviews, offering her readers detailed insights into the various effects and benefits of CBD. Tia's ability to combine in-depth interviews with comprehensive CBD analysis makes her a valuable asset to the cannabis community, offering a well-rounded perspective on the industry.



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Grower Stories #168: Melody Corpening

Melody Corpening from Colorado Hemp Solutions chats with us about the company

The AskGrowers team talks with Melody Corpening, who is the Executive Vice President of Colorado Hemp Solutions. She chats about how CHS started as an industrial hemp farm and how it creates quality CBD products. We also find out that CHS produces CBD products on a much larger scale than some other companies. Melody also mentions his/her favorite strains to smoke, among a lot more.

Tia: What or who inspired you to get into the cannabis industry?

Melody: Wacey Clarke and Tanner Willis are my reason and inspiration for entering the industrial hemp game.  I have worked for the Clarke family since 2013.  In 2016, Wacey Clarke founded Colorado Hemp Solutions (CHS) and asked if I was interested in helping him start up this new venture.  I am lifelong learner; I love learning new things and was ready for the new adventure.

Tia: How did you start Colorado Hemp Solutions? Tell us your origin story!

Melody:  Wacey Clarke, farming and ranching entrepreneur, saw the tide coming due to the undeniable value of the industrial hemp plant and Colorado’s 2014 Farm Bill.  In the winter of 2016, he started CHS in collaboration with Tanner Willis, a forward-thinking veteran of the cannabis industry.  My role started immediately as Executive Vice President.  I was responsible for all the items that are needed to start and run a business.  The application for business and farming licenses, setting up and maintaining payroll, accounts payable, sales tax, and all the behind-the-scenes tedious activities.

first industrial hemp farm
Tia: What’s the ethos behind your brand?

Melody: We are different than most CBD brands and companies because we are firstly an industrial hemp farm. We intimately understand the hemp plant and its derivatives, and we grow some of the world’s finest hemp and cannabinoids for the marketplace and our own estate-quality product line.  CHS is a company rooted in a deep appreciation for and understanding of all that the industrial hemp plant can do for our future.  We are more than a CBD brand or hemp farm; we view ourselves as true hemp pioneers.  We are committed to driving our industry forward with the collaboration of science and agriculture, and with integrity at the heart of all that we do.  We are the SOLUTION – from the ground up!

Tia: How do you think we can improve social equity in the industry?

Melody: Many would argue that social equity is lacking in agriculture, and perhaps even agree that it is lacking in the industrial hemp industry.  In my experience, I have seen our industry serve as an effective tool to help open doors for all to be treated fairly and equally.  The great thing about industrial hemp is that it has served as a way for more folks to become involved in agriculture and plant-derived products on all levels. From day one, CHS has been out in the community as advocates for our industry.  Social equity can be further improved by including disadvantaged groups in outreach programs and job opportunities, and I expect the improvements I have seen locally and beyond will continue to spread and grow.

Tia: What do you do to maintain sustainability in the company? How do you utilize the wastes? How much electricity do you spend on a daily basis? / Do you use it to reduce the spendings on sustainability? / Packaging issues / soil/ water etc?

Melody:  Unlike marijuana, industrial hemp can be grown on a large-scale outdoors, and therefore is not dependent on electricity for growth until maturity.  Colorado has a shorter growing season than a lot of regions of the United States.  We have always started our plants in our greenhouses to help extend this grow season.  However, we have been experimenting and having nice success by planting the seed directly into the field.  This helps reduce electricity and propane costs drastically.

Tia: How do you think your brand is different from the wide range of others similar to yours?

Melody: I know that our brand is different.  I have been to enough trade shows, markets, etc. to see how we stand different.  We grow our own industrial hemp crop for our own CBD products, and we are able to do it on a much larger scale than most.  We know the source!  We are the source!  This gives us great confidence in our products and knowledge of the plant and its many benefits.  We are all in.

Tia: What was your initial capital for opening up the brand?

Melody:  Capital was and is individual.  This is a true family farm that is succeeding in an ever-changing industry as it continues to define itself.

Tia: How do you make your CBD gummies? Do you have a specific recipe?

Melody:  While we are plant and CBD experts, we currently rely on our partner Kazmira to manufacture our Fruitas CBD gummies.  In keeping with our commitment to only utilizing our own hemp inputs, our supply contract with Kazmira makes this possible.

Tia: In your professional opinion, how do you think the customer can be sure he’s getting the toxic-free product?

Melody: This is huge, and I wish more customers took the time to educate themselves on this.  Customers should absolutely know the source of CBD and their CBD products because there are currently too many products that miss the mark.  The most straight forward way a customer can properly vet a product before making a purchase decision is to look for a Certificate of Analysis (COA) that verifies the CBD content.  Additionally, products should be free of heavy metals and pesticides.  We have COAs completed by independent labs on every level of the growing and manufacturing process of our CBD and CBD product line.  Again, this is what sets apart from many other brands.

Tia: What’s your personal consumption routine? What are the top three products that you’re using?

Melody:  I suffer from arthritis and have had one knee replacement.  CBD has helped me to continue to do one of the things I love most – hiking in beautiful Western Colorado.  Personally, I use a combination of our products to attack the aches and pain inside out.  We just added Phyto-2500 Coconut (2500 mg CBD per ounce) to our product lineup.  I take ½ dropper in the morning and ½ dropper in the evening for the greatest relief.  I add an additional ½ dropper before a hike.  I use this in combination with our Mercy salve (1000mg CBD per ounce) for topical spot treatment.  I find that using the Mercy on my knees prior to a hike helps me keep any inflammation at bay.  For a nice treat, I occasionally enjoy our CBD bath bombs – they are the bomb!

Tia: Do you make all the products yourselves or you pre-order them from somewhere else?

Melody:  We partner with a GMP Certified facility to manufacture our products, all made using our own organically grown hemp and its derivatives.

Tia: Your top strains to smoke? Why?

Melody: A variety named “Sauce” is our most popular smoking stain.  It is most favored because it has a wonderful terpene profile and flavor.  It is smooth smoking, not harsh on the throat, and produces quick relaxing effects.

Tia: If you could smoke with anyone in this world, dead or alive, who would that be and why?

Melody: This is an easy one to answer, Matthew McConaughey.  He is a fellow Texan, seems to be one of the few that makes sense today, has a great sense of humor, and well heck he is Matthew McConaughey!

Tia: Are there any cannabis brands in your state (or in the USA) you appreciate and follow? Name them.

Melody: I don’t have much time to follow or appreciate any other company than this wonderful one I have been so blessed to be a part of.  Even if I wasn’t a part of the team, Colorado Hemp Solutions would still hit every mark for me.

Tia: What industry would you choose working in, if not the cannabis one? Why?

Melody: The industrial hemp industry is so cutting edge and fun to be a part of.  I still have so much to learn and accomplish here.  I think I’ll just stay focused on this industry for now.

Tia: Do you work under any affiliate programs to spread your products to dispensaries/delivery services?

Melody:  We do have a very select few Instagram affiliates.  It is important for us to stay true to our core values and what sets us apart from so many others in this industry.  Our area does not have any delivery services, but our products can be found in some regional dispensaries.  In addition to our ecommerce business, we also maintain a growing retail presence.

Tia: What’s the number 1 rule when you’re in the cannabis business?

Melody: If someone tells you they know all there is to know about the cannabis business, they are full of BS.  Be humble – listen and be a forever learner.  You don’t learn by talking – you learn by listening.  There is so much more for us all to learn in this industry as we continue to drive it into the future.


> Why was weed made illegal?

Weed/Marijuana specifically was made illegal in the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937.  Federal policies, assisted by the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, essentially banned the production of industrial hemp during the war on drugs.

> Will weed be legal federally?

We are taking good steps to see this happen in the future. In 2019, Rep. Jerrold Nadler and then Sen. Kamala Harris, introduced legislation in both chambers of Congress that would have decriminalized marijuana. I believe it will become federally legal in my lifetime, but it will take some more work and time.

> Does weed help with cramps?

Industrial hemp derived CBD has pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties and is said to help reduce unpleasant period-related symptoms, such as cramping.

> Does weed help with pain?

Industrial hemp derived CBD does have pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties.  Our bodies have an endocannabinoid system which is one of the most important physiologic systems participating in establishing and sustaining health.  Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body, in the brain, organs, connective tissue, glands, and immune cells.  CBD is a supplement that can help with Endocannabinoid deficiency.

> Can weed help headaches?

Yes – Industrial hemp derived CBD can  help headaches.  Our bodies have an endocannabinoid system which is one of the most important physiologic systems participating in establishing and sustaining health.  Endocannabinoids and their receptors are found throughout the body, in the brain, organs, connective tissue, glands, and immune cells.  CBD is a supplement that can help with Endocannabinoid deficiency.

> Does weed help with depression?

Industrial Hemp derived CBD exhibits a clear anti-stress effect after short or long-term use without the feeling of euphoria, or the “high”.

> Do weed leaves have THC?

The cannabis plant leaves do contain cannabinoids, typically between 0 to 4% THC and CBD.

> Does weed get old?

If stored properly you can save the terpene profile and THC/CBD content for long lengths of time.  It is best to process it into an oil format for best long-term storage requirements.

> Can weed cause seizures?

Industrial hemp derived CBD is currently approved to treat seizures.

> Indica or sativa? Why?

Personally, sativa because I like and need to get stuff done.

> Why should weed be legal?

Yes, this plant has so many benefits that are yet to be uncovered.  We need the scientific studies and legalization to help it shine as it should.

You can follow Colorado Hemp Solutions at:



Thank you so much, Melody, for taking the time to do the interview. To learn more about them, head on over to their website.

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