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Alien OG strain photo 1
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Alien OG Alien OG Kush

Hybrid 50% S, 50% I
Dominant terpene
Myrcene 0.2%

19 - 22.25%


0.54 - 0.86%


0.3 - 1.16%


Pine, Lemon



Tahoe OG and Alien Kush are the parent strains of Alien OG Kush strain, which makes it a hybrid Indica-Sativa strain. It gets its lemony flavor from its parents, then the woody and citrus aroma that announces this Kush's presence once a jar is opened. The range of THC in this weed strain is 14% to 17%, and the effects are more cerebral than they are felt in the body. If you want to grow this strain you can find Alien OG seeds feminized on our website.

Lets keep it real...this is economical. Gives creative stimulation to the brain - feels earthy to me and makes me feel closer to nature.

MissMal 15.01.21

All About Alien OG Weed Strain

A Review of Alien OG Strain Effects

Just like its parent strains, Alien OG weed strain has the ideal cerebral effect that makes it great for a joint to smoke during a walk or when you are about to have candid conversations. The effects of Alien OG strain are instant at first, but they also intensify over time. Its effects last long, so you want to ease into it even when you feel as though you are yet to hit your preferred high. A headrush is experienced at first, followed by a tingly feeling that relaxes your body before it lulls you into a peaceful space. This quality makes it ideal for long, stimulating conversations and activities that require you to be in the zone.

Thanks to the euphoric feeling it brings users, this cannabis strain is ideal for treating depression, anxiety, and stress. It also relieves chronic pain and nausea, and even insomnia when taken in slightly higher doses.

Growers' Tips

New growers may want to give this one a pass until they have mastered the art since it is relatively difficult to grow. The bushes are usually dense since the plant doesn't grow too tall. The taller leaves will require trimming to ensure the lower bottom branches receive adequate sunshine.

The root system of Alien OG strain plant is a little troublesome and may require some help to develop while it is still in its earliest stages of growth. Lots of nutrients and potting with rockwool are essential at the beginning as they will determine the yield. The good thing is that your effort is rewarded with a good yield. The seeds are easy to buy online too. You get to see the first flowers in 8 to 9 weeks.

User Reviews 25


Lets keep it real...this is economical. Gives creative stimulation to the brain - feels earthy to me and makes me feel closer to nature.

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Why is it sweet?? tossed it into the trash bin

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How can I not appreciate the strain!? Instant focus!

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Dim lights and this strain - AHHHHHHH!, Love!

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What a beautiful scent of sweets and how nicely the strain melts in the mouth. Royal Thumbs up!

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Positive psychotic high

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Helped me snap out of day dreaming and now Im focussed on work.

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Rolls Royce

Waste of money

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Alien Kush + Tahoe OG Kush = BUY ALREADY!

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Leafly says yeald revolves 3-6 Oz per ft2…, but askgrowers says 1 oz/ft2 … supose 3-6 Oz thats outdoor harvest expectation?

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I agree, Alien is a fine morning choice but not for anyone used to less potent strains.

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for me, Alien OG is just the weed I always needed for good morning.

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Mixed lemon and pine flavor is OG lineage dead giveaway, followed by recognizable buzz

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got to respect these hybrids that slam you to your seat and elevate simultaneously.

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Great stuff, I love it

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Boosts my creativity

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So relaxing but doesnt get you sleepy

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Nice bud for vaping

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Maintains a clear and focused mind

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Instant hitter!

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Perfect for evening use

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This stuff leaves me energetic

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A flavorful bud

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I love, I love this weed I smoked two bowls of the weed and I enjoyed a clear mind

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Makes me relaxed and happy

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Strain details

Alien OG Strain Cannabinoids

THC Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is a major cannabis chemical compound. It is a psychoactive element that stimulates dopamine release and induces euphoria or happiness. THC-rich strains may be helpful with such conditions as lack of appetite, chronic pains , etc. It is considered to be the primary active marijuana component. 19 - 22.25%
CBD Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a major compound in cannabis, which is non-psychoactive. It is also proved to counteract the side effects of the second major component THC. CBD is widely used for medicinal purposes in rubs, oils and so on. It is helpful in muscle pain cases, may treat arthritis and migraines. Even Greeks used it against pain, while Queen Victoria applied it to get rid of menstrual cramps. 0.54 - 0.86%
CBC Cannabichromene, or CBC, is a minor cannabinoid, meaning that its quantity in cannabis is quite little. Though it has the same origin as CBD and THC, it is different in functions. Without any psychoactive effects, it is an efficient cannabis compound in combating acne and depression. CBC produces analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. 0.26 - 0.76%
CBG Cannabigerol, or CBG, is one of the minor cannabis compounds in adult plants. On the other hand, young ones contain a lot of this antibacterial and anti-inflammatory component. During the growth, CBG is converted into different cannabinoids, mostly THC and CBD. The compound itself increases appetite and decreases eye pressure. 0.3 - 1.16%
CBN Cannabinol, or CBN, is a trace element in cannabis that is considered to be mildly psychoactive. It appears from oxidation THC, exposed to light and heat. CBN is mostly contained in old cannabis and in traditional hashish. It is effective against insomnia, bacterial infections and appetite loss. 0.32 - 0.34%
THCV Tetrahydrocannabivarin, or THC-V, is a compound contained in cannabis in trace amounts. Even though it is close to THC molecularly, it is different in effects. This compound may be psychoactive only in large amounts. THC-V reduces blood sugar, controls appetite, stimulates bone growth, etc. African Sativa strains are the richest in THC-V. 0.27 - 0.62%

Alien OG Terpene Profile

Carene Carene (also known as Delta-3 carene) is a terpene found in rosemary, lemons, pines, and cedars, offering citrusy and cypress aroma. Studies on mice showed that carene provides anti-inflammatory effects, as well as promotes bone health and chronic pain relief. 0.18%
Pinene Pinene is one of the most widespread terpenes in nature, found in pine trees, basil, nutmeg, parsley, and rosemary. Cannabis containing terpene (alpha-pinene or α-pinene) boasts a strong pine scent. Pinene is responsible for anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and anti-anxiety effects. 0.08%
Myrcene Myrcene (also known as β-myrcene) is one of the most common terpenes found in cannabis, representing more than 20% of the modern marijuana terpene profile. Myrcene has a distinct earthy, musky flavor, resembling cloves. It is responsible for calming and soothing effects of weed. Myrcene is also found in hops, thyme, mango, lemongrass, guava melon. 0.2%
Ocimene Ocimene (derived from the Ancient Greek word Ocimum meaning basil) is a terpene with sweet and herbaceous flavors, also boasting citrusy and woody undertones. Naturally, ocimene occurs in mint, parsley, orchids, hops, kumquats, mangoes, basil, bergamot, lavender, and pepper. Offers antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. 0.07%
Humulene Humulene (also known as α-humulene) is one of the major terpenes found in cannabis, contributing to woody, earthy, spicy, herbaceous, and, mainly, floral aromas of cannabis. Used in modern medicine, humulene offers anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and appetite suppressant effects, which have been well-researched by pharmaceutical companies. 0.05%
Limonene Limonene (also known as d-limonene) is the second most common terpene in nature and the third most common terpene in cannabis. It has a powerful citrus aroma and can be found in all citruses, including lemons, oranges, grapefruits, limes, juniper, etc. Limonene is known to elevate moods and provide anxiety, depression, and stress relief. 0.11%
Linalool Linalool (also known as beta linalool, linalyl alcohol, linaloyl oxide, and p-linalool) is one of the rarest terpenes found in cannabis, mostly in small quantities. Linalool is known for its spicy and lavender aroma, bringing relaxation and calming effects. It is also said to provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can be useful for athletes. 0.07%
Terpinolene Terpinolene is one of the most common terpenes found in cannabis; however, It's usually presented in small quantities. Is responsible for piney, floral, herbaceous, and even a little bit citrusy aroma of cannabis. Terpinolene can be found in lilacs, nutmeg, and cumin. In cannabis, terpinolene contributes to the sensation of "freshness." Has the potential to reduce the risk of heart diseases. 0.01%
Phellandrene Phellandrene (also known as alpha- and beta-phellandrene) is one of the rare terpenes found in cannabis with antihyperalgesic and antidepressive properties. Phellandrene contributes to a minty, woody, and mildly citrus aroma in cannabis. Previously confused with limonene and pinene, phellandrene was eventually distinguished as a separate terpene common for eucalyptus. Also, it could be found in mint, dill, black pepper, cinnamon, parsley, pine, and lavender. 0.12%
Caryophyllene Caryophyllene (also known as beta or b caryophyllene) is a terpene found in many herbs and spices, such as black pepper, basil, rosemary, and oregano. Cannabis high in caryophyllene delivers a strong spicy, peppery aroma, resembling cinnamon and cloves. Caryophyllene offers potent anti-inflammatory and sedative effects. 0.12%
Total terpenes content 1.01%

Growing Info

Flowering time 56 - 63 Days
Flowering type Photoperiod
Grow difficulty Easy
Harvest time 71 Days
Yield outdoor 10 - 15 Oz/plant (~ 400 g/plant)
Yield indoor 0.5 - 1 Oz/Ft² (~ 300 g/m²)
Height indoor 30-60
Height outdoor 30-60

Alien OG strain lineage

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