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Cherry Pie

Cannabinoid THC Dominant

THC 18.78 - 21.78%

CBD 0.33 - 4.61%

Effect Relaxed

Side Effect Thirst and dry mouth

Flavor Sweet

All Information About Cherry Pie Weed Strain


High Highest
20% 23% 26% 29% 32% 35%


Medium High
2% 2.8% 3.3% 3.8% 4.3% 5%


Newbie Skilled

Cherry Pie is a hybrid strain that gives you a perfect mix of experiences that range from a good old energy boost to pleasant and soft sedation you’d rarely see in a single bud. Cherry Pie strain is known for its soft onset and almost seamless offset that does not leave you numb laying down on your couch. It makes Cherry Pie Kush perfect for a mid-day sash — you’ll be able to smoke it, have a good time, and keep up with your daily business as nothing happened. Thanks to its moderate-to-high THC level content of about 18-21%, this strain comes and goes softly, in waves, and does not make you go nuts. If you want to grow this strain you can find Cherry Pie seeds feminized on our website.

The history of this strain started in San Francisco, a couple of decades ago when the Bay Area’s Pieguy has come up with the idea to combine the effects of two potent strains. These guys took Durban Poison — a potent energizing Sativa and Granddaddy Purple — a good old Indica that knocks you off your feet real good. The combination of the two has given us this OG strain — one of the best hybrids ever with 60/40 ratio.

Common Effects

The effects of that marijuana strain are hard to predict and they are more or less individual to every smoker. Generally, the smokers would experience the array of effects that are typical for both types of weed coming in waves, including:

Medicinal users apply it to help with:

This weed is a quite potent pain killer, so you can smoke it to relieve your physical pains and aches. A combination of potent sedative and energizing experiences might not be a good idea for people with unstable mental health though, so you might want to think twice before you smoke it in case you have any mental condition associated with paranoia or obsessive behavior.

Those consumers for whom this strain is too mild often choose Peanut Butter Breath as similar in effects, but with higher THC level and more pungent taste.

Aroma and Taste of Cherry Pie Strain

The smell and aroma of that weed is a different story though: it combines herbal and pine smells that create this unique palette that lets you know immediately someone’s been smoking some good stuff out there. The taste is classic for any weed and depends on the way of consuming it.

Information for Growers

Cherry Pie weed is quite easy to take care of and grow, and thanks to the yield, you can grow it in your garden or inside a medium hydroponics station. The Cherry Pie genetics makes that weed is resilient to most diseases and does not need much care and attention throughout its growth cycle. Flowering time is 8 to 9 weeks, which is great for both commercial growers and just impatient smokers.

Side Effects

Thirst and dry mouth icon
Thirst and dry mouth 88% Voted
Dry eyes icon
Dry eyes 50% Voted
Dizzy icon
Dizzy 18% Voted
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Cherry Pie Strain Cannabinoids

THC Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is a major cannabis chemical compound. It is a psychoactive element that stimulates dopamine release and induces euphoria or happiness. THC-rich strains may be helpful with such conditions as lack of appetite, chronic pains , etc. It is considered to be the primary active marijuana component. 18.78 - 21.78%
CBD Cannabidiol, or CBD, is a major compound in cannabis, which is non-psychoactive. It is also proved to counteract the side effects of the second major component THC. CBD is widely used for medicinal purposes in rubs, oils and so on. It is helpful in muscle pain cases, may treat arthritis and migraines. Even Greeks used it against pain, while Queen Victoria applied it to get rid of menstrual cramps. 0.33 - 4.61%
CBC Cannabichromene, or CBC, is a minor cannabinoid, meaning that its quantity in cannabis is quite little. Though it has the same origin as CBD and THC, it is different in functions. Without any psychoactive effects, it is an efficient cannabis compound in combating acne and depression. CBC produces analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. 0.24 - 0.86%
CBG Cannabigerol, or CBG, is one of the minor cannabis compounds in adult plants. On the other hand, young ones contain a lot of this antibacterial and anti-inflammatory component. During the growth, CBG is converted into different cannabinoids, mostly THC and CBD. The compound itself increases appetite and decreases eye pressure. 0.08 - 0.49%
CBN Cannabinol, or CBN, is a trace element in cannabis that is considered to be mildly psychoactive. It appears from oxidation THC, exposed to light and heat. CBN is mostly contained in old cannabis and in traditional hashish. It is effective against insomnia, bacterial infections and appetite loss. 0.38 - 0.36%
THCV Tetrahydrocannabivarin, or THC-V, is a compound contained in cannabis in trace amounts. Even though it is close to THC molecularly, it is different in effects. This compound may be psychoactive only in large amounts. THC-V reduces blood sugar, controls appetite, stimulates bone growth, etc. African Sativa strains are the richest in THC-V. 0.24 - 1.11%

Cherry Pie Terpene Profile

Pinene Pinene is one of the most widespread terpenes in nature, found in pine trees, basil, nutmeg, parsley, and rosemary. Cannabis containing terpene (alpha-pinene or α-pinene) boasts a strong pine scent. Pinene is responsible for anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and anti-anxiety effects. 0.07%
Myrcene Myrcene (also known as β-myrcene) is one of the most common terpenes found in cannabis, representing more than 20% of the modern marijuana terpene profile. Myrcene has a distinct earthy, musky flavor, resembling cloves. It is responsible for calming and soothing effects of weed. Myrcene is also found in hops, thyme, mango, lemongrass, guava melon. 0.19%
Ocimene Ocimene (derived from the Ancient Greek word Ocimum meaning basil) is a terpene with sweet and herbaceous flavors, also boasting citrusy and woody undertones. Naturally, ocimene occurs in mint, parsley, orchids, hops, kumquats, mangoes, basil, bergamot, lavender, and pepper. Offers antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. 0.04%
Geraniol Geraniol is a terpene initially contained in geraniums, as well as lemongrass, lemon peels, roses, blueberries, and carrots. The aroma is a sweet rose scent with notes of citrus. Geraniol features anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and neuroprotectant properties. It's rumored to have side effects such as allergic contact dermatitis or sensitive skin irritation. 0.2%
Humulene Humulene (also known as α-humulene) is one of the major terpenes found in cannabis, contributing to woody, earthy, spicy, herbaceous, and, mainly, floral aromas of cannabis. Used in modern medicine, humulene offers anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and appetite suppressant effects, which have been well-researched by pharmaceutical companies. 0.04%
Limonene Limonene (also known as d-limonene) is the second most common terpene in nature and the third most common terpene in cannabis. It has a powerful citrus aroma and can be found in all citruses, including lemons, oranges, grapefruits, limes, juniper, etc. Limonene is known to elevate moods and provide anxiety, depression, and stress relief. 0.13%
Linalool Linalool (also known as beta linalool, linalyl alcohol, linaloyl oxide, and p-linalool) is one of the rarest terpenes found in cannabis, mostly in small quantities. Linalool is known for its spicy and lavender aroma, bringing relaxation and calming effects. It is also said to provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can be useful for athletes. 0.03%
Bisabolol Bisabolol (also known as α-Bisabolol or levomenol) is a lesser-known terpene found in cannabis. It contributes to anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant, antioxidant, anti-microbial, and analgesic properties of weed strains containing bisanol. Attentive smokers would be able to catch a nutty, fruity scent with herbal and floral undertones, with a tender trace of coconut. 0.1%
Nerolidol Nerolidol (also known as trans-nerolidol) is a terpene found in jasmine, tea tree, and lemongrass, as well as in some cannabis strains. Nerolidol has a distinguished floral aroma with notes of citrus, apples, and rose. The terpene has sedative, anti-anxiety, antimicrobial, anti-parasitic, anti-oxidant, and pain-relieving properties. 0.09%
Phellandrene Phellandrene (also known as alpha- and beta-phellandrene) is one of the rare terpenes found in cannabis with antihyperalgesic and antidepressive properties. Phellandrene contributes to a minty, woody, and mildly citrus aroma in cannabis. Previously confused with limonene and pinene, phellandrene was eventually distinguished as a separate terpene common for eucalyptus. Also, it could be found in mint, dill, black pepper, cinnamon, parsley, pine, and lavender. 0.02%
Caryophyllene Caryophyllene (also known as beta or b caryophyllene) is a terpene found in many herbs and spices, such as black pepper, basil, rosemary, and oregano. Cannabis high in caryophyllene delivers a strong spicy, peppery aroma, resembling cinnamon and cloves. Caryophyllene offers potent anti-inflammatory and sedative effects. 0.11%
Total terpenes content 1.02%

Growing Info

Flowering time 56 - 63 Days
Flowering type Photoperiod
Grow difficulty Easy
Harvest time 71 Days
Yield outdoor 10 - 15 Oz/plant (~ 400 g/plant)
Yield indoor 0.5 - 1 Oz/Ft² (~ 300 g/m²)
Height indoor 60-80
Height outdoor 90 >

Cherry Pie strain lineage

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User Reviews 28


Cannabis Cane is somewhat right. Ever since my cancer treatments I have been feeling pangs of nausea. Eating some weed gummies made from Cheery Pie have helped me gain some of my appetite back.

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Axel Reed

Shortly after smoking these for a bowl I orders two large pizzas and before my wife got home I was done with one. Funny thing is I ended up gobbling up all the leftover slices after my wife declared she was full.

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Alina Parker

I haven't seen flowers grow as prettily as this one. I half wanted to prop it in a vase and devour it. Luckily the latter one and my green thumb paid off. Next time I am thinking of venturing into more plants and maybe trying out other strains.

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David Ross

Everyone complaining about Cherry Pie and the cotton mouth should try eating a sweet and enjoy the damn pot.

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Cannabis Cane

Most of my friends think this a straight up bomb strain. I had my reservations but last week we gave it a try and they are superb. We had a few buds in a bong, rolled up some joints and even took some leftover to make edibles. I can smell my brownies cooking and I cannot wait.

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Alice Flosh

Blazing cherry pie gives me incredibl experience. The feelings I receive when exhaling is exceptional. As the sweet glaze varnish through my mouth there is a taste of spiceness and baked cherry that greatly delights my soul!

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Reefer Chiefer

AS a fresher, don't try this in full doses, instead, just do small ones and you'll thank me later

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autonomous Weedhead

Perfect for indoor growth and soesn't require much attention for great outcomes

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Hot smoker

I think cherry pie was meant for freelancers. As a freelancer, you may have an article infront of you but your brain is blank. You are out of ideas and you odon't know where to start. Woooorry no more cherry pie is here for us. Took this and the feeling had was unimaginable. Experienced a non-ending flow of ideas.

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Aaron Butler

The best marijuan for relieving migraines and muscular tensions. Can also use it if you have appetite issues.

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For me, cherry pie is on my top list of the best weeds out here. The physical boost that this grass gives me can never be overwhelmed. Just feel active and powerful and ready for any kind of activity. What's more, I become so talkative which is a great boost to my introvertness.

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Thank you Cherry Pie

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Cheryl Adams

AWESOME! I havent smoked pot for a long time and decided to come back with this pie ... Absolutely not heavy-hitting, but at the same time makes you very happy and giggly! I think beginners will do too

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Very strong, do not smoke the whole joint at a time

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great after a sad day, I have never laughed so much with yt videos before

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OMG THE TASTE! cherry at its best!

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Xavier Louis

but it seems to me that this one is totally not for beginners ... one puff and I was already blown away

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Micaela J

cool thing for pains, Ive already tried for cramps and headaches. does not help immediately, but the pain goes away for a long time, its worth it! and as a huge bonus - incredible cherry flavor on the exhale. berry flavor lovers, go ahead!

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John Ford

Enjoy the ride with the best. I smoke this marijuana majorly because of the satisfaction I get from it. This producT IS diffErent from other marijuana products. I really smoke hard to get Some relief from pain and have fun, and Cheery pie has never did appointed me. For me,it is my go to pain killer anytime any day. A taste of This offers great sensation and maedicinal benefits

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Cherry pie makes you happy and hyper. thumbs up to this marijuana strain. It is recommended for users who want to feel high without any side effects. I planted cherry pie marijuana in my home and trust me it is growing perfectly well. This product is a great painkiller that can kill both physical and emotional pain. Get the best marijuana strain from cherry pie

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Fred Evans

One thing I love about this brand is its reliability. Cheryl ppie is a reloable brand that gives ya exactly what you want. I have tasted several marijuana strains, but cherry pie Is thE best I have inhaled so far. When I smoked Cherry Pie, I felt good. This marijuana strain is a combination of pleasant taste and great feeling

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I smokes cherry pie marijuana but I didnt likes the taste

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Mary Donald

This gives you energy beyond what you think. It is doesnt make you feel nUts

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I love everything about this product. It tastes great and makes ya feel real good

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if you want cannabis that gives the best sensation, go for cherry pie

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Marthajay Jason

cherry pie is the one for me, I have been seeing great results from this

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didnt get the best feeling

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Black Rooster

Cherry Pie marijuana is dope

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The unique thing about Cherry Pie is that, unlike most other strains, it affects people differently, making it quite difficult to predict its effects. In general, you’ll most likely feel energized and uplifted. Some consumers may also experience an unusual burst of creativity, while others will become more active and find it easier to concentrate and cope with everyday tasks.
The strain has many uses. Firstly, like all indica-dominant strains, it helps stimulate appetite, which makes it a perfect option for people with a reduced desire to eat. Secondly, it’s a powerful pain killer. This makes it a go-to for people recovering from injuries, undergoing chemo, and those who spend most of their day on their feet. On top of that, Cherry Pie helps treat medical conditions such as depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and paranoia, so those seeking a strain with a motivation boost will find this one a good choice.