Grower Stories #127: Victoria Flores

Tia Moskalenko
Tia Moskalenko

Tia Moskalenko, author of the AskGrowers blog, brings a unique blend of content to her readers. She is known for conducting insightful interviews with key figures in the cannabis industry, including brand representatives, manufacturers, and experts. In addition to her interview skills, Tia has a keen focus on CBD. She expertly curates product selections and reviews, offering her readers detailed insights into the various effects and benefits of CBD. Tia's ability to combine in-depth interviews with comprehensive CBD analysis makes her a valuable asset to the cannabis community, offering a well-rounded perspective on the industry.



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Grower Stories #127: Victoria Flores

CBD Clean Beauty and Wellness Products of Lux Beauty Club Brand

Beauty and wellness products containing broad-spectrum CBD and organic ingredients that work for the whole body. They use a transparent formulation and enrich products with cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, minerals, and such essential vitamins. Co-founder Victoria Flores has a lot to tell. Challenges faced from the beginning to the present day as a Latin woman involved in the cannabis industry. #growerstories

Tia (AskGrowers) : When did you start Lux Beauty Club?

Victoria Flores : We started LBC CBD right after the Farm Bill of 2018 so around early 2019.

Tia : What made you decide to develop and offer CBD beauty and health products?

Victoria : We had a previous business with a supply chain in China and India. It was stressful, sleepless nights and our hair was falling out. That was our AHA moment and come to Jesus' moment.

Lux Beauty Club products picture
Tia : What types of products do you offer?

Victoria : Clean, beauty and wellness that work for the entire body.

Tia : You have an extensive list of ingredients to choose from, can you explain why there are so many options? What do they offer?

Victoria : We formulated organic ingredients that worked best with the different plant cannabinoids.

Tia : How do you foster sustainability?

Victoria : Most of our products come in glass, so you can reuse them for travel or household items.

Tia : Do you have any challenges as the Latina representative of the brand?

Victoria : Fundraising was also an issue since less than 2% goes to brown and black founders + we didn't go to Harvard lol

Lux Beauty Club interview quote
Tia : This month is Hispanic Heritage month. Are you planning any special initiatives?

Victoria : I have been speaking on several podcasts and simply getting the word out to shop brown ;)

Tia : How can we improve Social Equity in the Industry?

Victoria : Lifting each other up. The more success our brothers and sisters have, the better for the following generations. Yes, money is key, like it or not.

Tia : As of your cultural heritage, did it help you to bring something special and new to the cannabis industry?

Victoria : People like to buy from people and if you look like your customer even better.

Tia : Have you faced any prejudices because of the latin-owned business?

Victoria : Once I brought on a male founder, it was much easier to get those investor meetings.

Lux Beauty Club interview quote
Tia : Have you personally encountered negative attitudes towards you because of the use of cannabis or because of your choice of work related to cannabis?

Victoria : Of course, it took my grandma a year to warm up to it!

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Thank you so much, Lux Beauty Club team, for taking the time to do the interview. To learn more, please visit the Lux Beauty Club website

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