Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis Topicals

Helga Green
Helga Green

Helga Green, an enthusiast and researcher in the cannabis field, contributes her expertise to the AskGrowers blog. Her articles provide a comprehensive view of cannabis cultivation, health impacts, and educational information. Helga's works seamlessly blend practical advice for growing plants with broader information aimed at enlightening readers about cannabis. Her health-focused articles delve into the effects of cannabis on the human body, offering valuable knowledge to her audience. Helga's passion for the industry shines through in her informative and engaging content, making her a go-to source for anyone interested in the multifaceted world of cannabis.

Reviewed by Denys Svirepchuk



7 min
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Everything You Need to Know About Cannabis Topicals

Cannabis topicals are a fascinating addition to the rapidly evolving world of cannabis. They are topical solutions that deliver marijuana's healing properties directly to your skin, allowing you to treat ailments without smoking or consuming edibles. Topicals have been around for some time now, but they are still relatively unknown in comparison with edibles and smoking methods. If you're interested in trying out CBD/THC topicals or just want some info about them, then this article will provide all the information you need!

Cannabis Lotion: What Is It?

Cannabis topicals are medicine and beauty products made from either the leaves and flowers of the marijuana plant or synthetic versions of these components. They are often used as massage oils, lotions, salves, balms, tinctures, or oils that can be applied to your skin directly. The precise composition varies widely depending on the product being used. Topical cannabinoids have been shown to reduce inflammation and pain while also helping soothe skin conditions such as dryness, psoriasis, and eczema.

cannabis lotion

A cannabis topical is a lot like an ordinary drug, but instead of being absorbed through your mouth or digestive system, it's absorbed through the skin. The main difference between these two types of delivery systems is that once you apply a topical to your skin for a local effect, it's taken up by the body much quicker than if you were to take it orally. This makes them ideal for patients who don't want their medicine to be metabolized by their digestive system before it reaches its intended target area. And because they work so quickly, there aren't any side effects associated with them (unlike regular meds.)

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Topical vs. Transdermal: What’s the Difference?

A short clarification before we go onward. The two terms topical and transdermal are often used interchangeably, but they're actually quite different.

So what does topical mean? The term topical usually refers to medications and beauty products that you apply to the skin and that rely on passive diffusion, creating a local effect. In comparison, transdermal refers to medications and beauty products that are applied to the skin and can pass through the skin barrier. They often involve skin penetration-enhancing compounds, such as fragrances, or technology, such as iontophoresis, which increases the amount of substance that can exert effects in areas other than the site of application.

In addition to penetrating deeper into your skin, transdermal products also have less irritation potential than topical products because they don't rely on passive diffusion. For example, if you apply a medication topically but then wash it off too soon after application (which is common), it could cause irritation because the medication is still in contact with the site where it was applied.

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Cannabis Topicals Benefits and Types

cannabis topicals recipes

With an ever-increasing demand for CBD products, the marijuana-topical market is proliferating. Here are the most common types of products:


CBD oils are the most common type of cannabis topicals, used for various medical and recreational purposes.

Lotions and Creams

These kinds of products are especially useful for people who want to benefit from using skin care products and may be applied to extra dry areas like the knees and elbows.


Gels are effective for treating headaches. They provide a cooling effect, making them an ideal choice for people with migraines.


Salves used to treat psoriasis and other skin disorders can provide relief to those suffering. The secret of them being softer than lotions is that they contain beeswax.

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Transdermal Patches

These cannabis-infused products are especially beneficial for lower back pain sufferers. The patches come with an adhesive side that you stick to your skin, then leave on the affected area for up to 72 hours.

Some patients turn to topical marijuana products for pain relief. If you are having any kind of chronic ache or discomfort and looking for more naturally-based solutions, cannabis topicals may be worth trying out (maybe discovering THC cream for arthritis would be your option!)

Cannabis-infused topicals help ease symptoms of:

  • Pain and inflammation linked to arthritis;
  • Headaches and migraine-related neck pain and joint stiffness;
  • Acne-related blemishes;
  • Eczema.

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How Does CBD Lotion Work 

The main active ingredient in any marijuana cream is cannabidiol (CBD), which is one of over 100 compounds called cannabinoids found in marijuana plants. CBD interacts with your body by attaching to receptors on cells throughout your body called cannabinoid receptors. These receptors can be found all over your body but are more prevalent in certain areas like the immune system, brain, and spinal cord.

how does cbd lotion work

CBD works by interacting with receptors in your body called CB1 receptors. These receptors bind with cannabinoids like THC and CBD, signaling other cells in your body to react accordingly (i.e., make endocannabinoids.)

THC Cream for Pain: Can You Get High?

CBD lotions or THC balms are non-intoxicating, so they will not get you high. You can use them in the morning and still be able to function fully without feeling any effects from cannabis.

As was mentioned above, cannabinoids in topicals bind to receptors on your skin cells and activate them without actually entering your bloodstream, making it an ideal option for those who want relief without feeling stoned or impaired.

Before You Start Using Marijuana Topicals

There is little information about the risks of using topical cannabis. However, it is unlikely that using this product will cause serious harm. There are reports stating that itching and/or a rash may develop as a result of your exposure to the substance. Most likely, those are all the topical THC side effects you may experience. Another concern you should be aware of is when you purchase illegal medicines or beauty products, there is a chance of exposure to pesticides and other contaminants, as well as the possibility that your purchase won't be strong enough.

It's important to note that not all cannabis-infused products are created equal. You should always look for products made by reputable companies that have been in operation for years and use quality ingredients. You should also make sure that the product contains only pure cannabinoids or is free from any other substances like alcohol or preservatives, which can be harmful if consumed orally or absorbed through contact with your skin (for example, through lotions.)

To avoid any adverse reactions or side effects from using cannabis topicals, it's essential that you take precautions such as not applying too much at once or leaving it on for too long. Also, ensure that any product being used has been tested by an independent lab before use.

what does topical mean

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Cannabis Topicals Recipes: What Are the Options?

If you're looking to make your own cannabis topical products at home, here are some recipes that can help:

  • For a DIY moisturizer, mix aloe vera gel with CBD oil and apply directly to the skin. You can also add other ingredients, such as coconut oil or honey, if desired;
  • A salve recipe uses cannabis flower, coconut oil, and beeswax (or vegetable glycerin) as its base before adding essential oils like lavender or tea tree oil for extra moisture absorption;
  • Topical pain relievers are simple since they require only one ingredient – cannabis! Use an organic extract with an amount of THC ranging between 1-10%.


Cannabis topicals are still a relatively new product, but there's a lot of room for innovation. For example, we'd love to see cannabis topicals available in more forms and for more ailments. They may even be able to help with conditions other than pain. We're also curious how cannabis topicals will be used in the future: Can they replace traditional medical practices like surgery or chemotherapy?

While there is still a great deal we don't know about the health benefits and risks of using topicals, it would seem that a wide variety could be produced which has both therapeutic benefits and which is low in toxicity.

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Topical products are ones that you apply to your skin, relying on passive diffusion to achieve a local effect. The ingredients deliver active molecules that are absorbed through the skin, working from the inside out or from the surface upward. These products can be found in many forms, but all act in the same fashion.
The topical application of THC and CBD to the skin allows them to be absorbed through the epidermis or hair follicles, and they interact with receptors to provide localized effects. Such effects vary depending on the type, dosage, and frequency of how often you use them.
Many people are aware of topical treatments for pain and inflammation. It is almost impossible to avoid getting an injury or even just a skin condition if you decide to live an active lifestyle. Cannabinoids can help with pain and inflammation in several ways. Topical treatment can be found in cannabis products, as well as in CBD oil. These products may be helpful when used for eczema and other skin conditions.
There is a lot of confusion surrounding the street name “cannabis oil.” The fact is that cannabis oil does not make you high because it does not produce its psychoactive or intoxicating effects through local applications or use. Cannabis oil interacts with molecules that naturally occur in our bodies, and it takes the cannabinoids that are present in marijuana plants before refining the THC into a concentrated oil.
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