Growing Cannabis For Beginners: Shopping List And Top 7 Tips

If you are a cannabis user, you may be tired of paying the high prices at legal dispensaries. You can save money and enjoy top-quality weed by growing your own and trying something new! Growing cannabis at home is a great way to have access to your favorite strains and always have an endless supply. As a new grower, you may not be sure of where you should start. That is why AskGrowers is here! Check out the information we have to offer and learn how you can start growing at home. We provide information on the supplies you will need and also offer 7 beginner marijuana growing tips that will help you succeed. Ready to begin cannabis cultivation? Read on and find all the answers you need, the complete guide is here.
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US States Where You Can Legally Grow
The US States are taking strides to legalize marijuana use and allow growing. While not every state has jumped on board, you can legally grow plants at home in a number of areas. Most of these states have passed medical or recreational use laws, though not all will allow for individuals to grow their own plants. Before you tackle the task of shopping to begin your growing experience, be sure that it is legal in your state. More than half of the states that have legalized weed will allow at-home growing, including:
Washington, D.C.
All of these states allow for recreational growing. For medical purposes, plants can be cultivated in Arkansas, Hawaii, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Rhode Island. Many more states are looking into legalization in 2021, so you can expect more to be added to this list as laws change. Always check your local laws before setting up for any growing to make sure you are within the legal limits in terms of the number of plants and the use of the final product.
Read Also: Guide On Cannabis Growers: Who They Are And How To Become A Cultivator
Your Shopping List: What You Will Need to Grow
Before you jump right in and think you can quickly start growing cannabis, you should be aware that it is a time-consuming process. It can take months to grow a healthy plant. The process does not stop there. After growing, you will have to cut and dry your new buds. This can take an additional 3 to 4 weeks, so be prepared to put in some serious time and effort when growing cannabis at home. If you are ready to begin, there are some essentials you will need. Here, we offer you a shopping list, so you can gather all the materials required to grow and produce great bud right from home. As you increase your number of plants, your supplies will increase as well.
The cost of growing marijuana is not cheap, but with the right materials, you can create a great growing environment and start to produce amazing plants.
Grow Tents – These are one of the cheapest things you will have to buy when starting to grow. They are used for the creation of a perfect environment, though they are not necessary. Some growers have used closets or other small spaces to grow weed successfully. However, a grow tent is a simple option and is great for beginners, costing only around $80. Another alternative is growing cannabis in a greenhouse. Small greenhouses can fit indoors and can be purchased for $100-$150.
Soil – While it is possible to use regular dirt from the ground to start the growing process, investing in some top-quality soil will be beneficial. There are some great options, and this can be bought at your local hardware store for just $5. Make sure to choose something that does not retain much moisture after it has been watered. Sandy soil will offer better yields than clay-based soil.
Light Sources – No plant will grow without light, so you will need a great light source for weed production. Direct sunlight is the best, and it is completely free, but if you are growing indoors, you may require the use of artificial light. A LED lamp is one option, but special bulbs will be needed for healthy growth. With LED grow lights, you will have a great source of lighting that is designed specifically for this purpose. Expect to invest some decent money here, but do not skimp. Light is the number one key to bringing your cannabis plants to life.
Soil Nutrients – Your basic soil purchased will help with starting seeds, but you will need some added nutrients to promote growth. You should note that if you choose to use composted soil, the best soil for weed, there will be no need for adding and extra nutrients. Bagged soil will require some added plant food to promote growth, and this can cost around $20-$40 per quart of water.
Watering Medium – To deliver the nutrient-rich water, you will need some sort of watering vessel. Whether this is a standard watering can be used or gardens or a simple bucket, have something on hand that can be used to deliver your plants the food and water they require.
Pots – Invest in planting and growing pots of various sizes. As the plants start growing, you may need to move them into larger pots or containers, so be sure you have a variety of sizes on hand. Start with small sizes for young plants and move up in size as they become larger.
Cannabis Seeds for Beginners – Well, this is rather obvious. If you want to grow cannabis, you need the seeds. Here, choosing the right plants will be about personal preference. You can choose to grow Sativa or Indica plants or a hybrid. Sativa growers can use Green Crack as a starter plant. It is strong and has a great citrus odor. For fans of Indica strains, check out Northern Light, a fast-growing plant that will offer a string buzz. For hybrid selections, Blue Dream is a great choice, and it is one of the common choices among beginner growers.
Fans or Air Circulators – To promote strong and healthy plants, the air must be well-circulated to deliver the right amount of oxygen. Using duct fans is a simple option and will remove hit air from lights and help protect delicate new growth. More fans will be needed if you use multiple lighting sources to reduce the heat directing onto leaves and stems.
As you become more comfortable and familiar with the process of growing your own cannabis, you may add or remove some things from this list. This is a great guideline for beginners, and you will have everything you need to get started.
Read Also: How to Grow Your First Plant for $100
Top 7 Growing Tips for Beginners
Cannabis cultivation is not an easy process, and it can take quite some time for any beginner to master the art. There are many things to learn, from what strains to plant to learning the best soil for weed. We understand you are eager to start your journey and start to grow weed, so we provide you with these useful tips that can help get the ball rolling. It can be an overwhelming task when one starts to grow, but with patience and time, you can master growing some great weed and enjoy your own buds.
Check out these top 7 marijuana growing tips and use them to produce healthy plants and high-quality weed.
Don’t Overwater – Plants need a certain amount of water for good growth, and with marijuana growing, the key is to not overwater. If too much water is added, oxygen absorption decreases. Check the dryness of the soil by using a finger 2 inches in the dirt. If it feels dry, add water. If it’s wet, avoid watering.
Pay Attention to pH levels – Cannabis plants can die if the pH balance is off. Most strains grown at home will require a 6-7 pH level. Buy a pen to test the spin and have bottles of pH Up and Down on hand to adjust as needed. pH levels will affect what nutrients are available to roots.
Too Many Nutrients? – If you are using bagged soil, we mentioned adding some nutrients, but there is such a thing as too much. Chemical nutrients can result in a nutrient burn and will result in leaves truing yellow. To avoid this, follow the directions on all nutrient labels. Always cut back on added nutrients during a growing stage. One major side effect of using too many nutrients will be a chemical taste or smell and buds will also have a lower content of THC.
Know When to Reduce Lighting – When a cannabis plant is in its vegetative state, it will need between 18 and 22 hours of light. This is when the majority of the growth will take place. As soon as flowering begins, light should be reduced. Many new growers assume more light is always best, but there are times when it is necessary to reduce lighting. In a flowering stage, plants should only be exposed to 12 hours of light.
Avoid Shock – Any major changes can shock a plant and result in death or non-production. Always be gentle with cannabis plants and avoid anything that will cause shock. Do not rapidly reduce the amount of lighting all at one time or increase or decrease nutrients quickly. Allow plants to gradually adjust to changes that need to be made.
Know Harvest Time – Harvest time will depend on the bud itself. If no new white hairs are sprouting, it is almost time to harvest. Look closely at the hairs on buds and when half become a darker color, begin harvesting. This change in color means the compounds have attained the highest concentration level. After harvesting, dry buds in a dark, ventilated space by hanging them upside down.
Grow Inside – Indoor grow is the way to go! The best weed will be grown inside instead of outdoors. Growing cannabis in a greenhouse inside is a great option. By doing this, you can control the environment and growth process. You have full control over the indoor climate and can make changes as needed. It also allows for easier access to keep an eye on plants and make sure they are doing well.
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