Grower Stories #24: The Pot Factory Team

Tia Moskalenko
Tia Moskalenko

Tia Moskalenko, author of the AskGrowers blog, brings a unique blend of content to her readers. She is known for conducting insightful interviews with key figures in the cannabis industry, including brand representatives, manufacturers, and experts. In addition to her interview skills, Tia has a keen focus on CBD. She expertly curates product selections and reviews, offering her readers detailed insights into the various effects and benefits of CBD. Tia's ability to combine in-depth interviews with comprehensive CBD analysis makes her a valuable asset to the cannabis community, offering a well-rounded perspective on the industry.



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Grower Stories #24: The Pot Factory Team

The Pot Factory on Operating a Family-Run Cannabis Business and Growing From Clones

The Pot Factory on operating a family-run cannabis business and growing from clones

Tia (Askgrowers) : We’ve noticed that The Pot Factory is a family owned business. Can you share with us how it all started?

The Pot Factory Team : Jordan started with a dream; to make some of the best products Whatcom County has to offer. His parents shared that dream, and became partners with him. Together, Jordan and Jennifer made The Pot Factory take off and become what it is today.

Tia : What’s your current production volume?

The Pot Factory  Team : We only started with a hundred or so plants, but now we’ve ramped up to over two-thousand. That’s just the flower room! In the veg room, there are at least twenty-five-hundred. We harvest over two-hundred plants per week and about one-hundred pounds of delicious fire per month.

Tia : How big is your team right now?

The Pot Factory Team : The team here used to be pretty small, but we’re always striving to grow to keep up with the demands of this ever-thriving market! We have about fifteen full-time employees here at the garden.

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Tia : What about Pot Factory makes you different from other businesses in the industry? What makes you stand out?

The Pot Factory  Team : After being a business owner for over two decades, I’ve learned to really care about people and understand that the flow of a company stems from its employees. Everyone here gets along, and comes equipped with a love for the plant and industry.

Tia : Your business focuses on growing through cloning. Why did you decide to go with growing from clone instead of seed? What’s the advantage in that?

The Pot Factory Team : Cloning helps us to maintain strain quality and consistency. It also helps us have more control of the timing and production of the plant too. We have over eighty mother plants that we clone from, and they’re all plump and full of green!

Tia : Which strain is your current best-seller?

The Pot Factory Team : Baker’s Fruit and Dream Doctor are definitely top contenders. Baker’s Fruit came from a close friend of mine, and we’re actually the only processor to sell it on the market. It’s the fruitiest sativa you will ever smell. Dream Doctor is an indica-dominant that dominates all indicas. It’s been our highest-testing strain, and my personal favorite to wind down with as well. Am I biased? Maybe. You’ll just have to try it for yourself!

Tia : What’s your top strain for relaxation?

The Pot Factory  Team : Am I biased? Maybe. Definitely the Dream Doctor. We also used to grow a wonderful Black Cherry Pie, but our mamas reached the end of their life. That strain really took a large portion of that cake in terms of relaxation. I really wish we still had it!

Tia : Do you have a delivery service?

The Pot Factory Team : When available, we’ll utilize the wonderful services of Terpene Transit, based out of Bellingham. We also have a few in-house drivers who will hand-deliver the green to our retailers; they really help us build those personable relationships with our clients by giving a face for our company.

Tia : Which strain would you recommend for beginners and why?

The Pot Factory Team : Grand Daddy Purple is a classic indica that you can never go wrong with. I feel like an indica would be better to lean towards as a beginner for its relaxing properties, and Grand Daddy Purple is just a phenomenally refined strain. Especially ours! Since doubling the lights we have, the THC content has just been exploding with our GDP.

Tia : How do you measure success, personally and professionally?

The Pot Factory Team : Success is the happiness of those I’m surrounded by. Both personally, and professionally; nothing is more important to me than the well-being of my community.

Tia : Are there any plans for business expansion in the near future?

The Pot Factory Team : We’re constantly striving to expand! We have a goal of expanding to full capacity (we’re a little over half right now) by the end of 2020.

Tia : Are there any plans for new products or strains in the near future?

The Pot Factory Team : The mother plants we clone from can’t be sustained forever, and we eventually have to make the decision to replace her. Sometimes with the same strain, sometimes with a whole new one. In the last six months, we’ve started growing ten new strains. Our mamas have been doing great, but I just can’t resist tasty flavors; we’re growing GMO, Papaya Punch, and Magnum Opus to name a few.

Tia : What do you think is the biggest issue in the cannabis industry right now?

The Pot Factory Team : Communication! Everything in this industry feels like it’s moving at one million miles an hour, but we’re also all forgetful stoners!

Tia : If you could smoke with anyone in the world, who would it be? :)

The Pot Factory Team : There’s the obvious like Chong and Snoop, but I would really love to toke up with my mom. I don’t think she’d be able to handle her smoke though!

Tia : What makes you passionate about working in the cannabis industry?

The Pot Factory Team : Knowing that cannabis has amazing, naturally medicinal properties and knowing how much closer cannabis can bring people together (socially) is what drives me to produce the best product I can produce.

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